United for Designating the Rapid Support Forces as a Terrorist Organization

Today, we stand at a pivotal moment in Sudan’s history—a moment that calls upon us all to unite with unwavering strength and determination. Through our initiative, “United for Designating the Rapid Support Forces as a Terrorist Organization,” we extend a clear and urgent call to all Sudanese, both at home and abroad, to rally together in achieving a strategic legal milestone by designating the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) as a terrorist organization.

This initiative, rooted in the framework of international justice, is founded on solid legal and diplomatic grounds. We live in a world where nations are bound by international conventions, foremost among them the Geneva Conventions and their Additional Protocols, which criminalize all forms of violence against civilians during wartime. Therefore, classifying this militia as a terrorist organization is not merely a reactionary step but a necessary response to the war crimes and crimes against humanity they have committed against the Sudanese people—atrocities that cannot and must not go unpunished.

Legally, such a designation opens the door to strict international measures. Labeling the RSF as a terrorist organization enables countries and the United Nations to take decisive actions, including imposing economic sanctions, freezing assets, travel bans, and cutting logistical, financial, and military support that sustains this militia’s war efforts. But it does not stop there. It also paves the way for prosecuting perpetrators within the RSF under universal jurisdiction, ensuring that no one is above the law, regardless of where they are.

However, this change cannot be achieved without collective Sudanese efforts. We need the combined energies of Sudanese people from all walks of life, both within the country and in the diaspora. This initiative is fundamentally a call for national unity and collaboration to restore justice and dignity. Through this collective action, we can demonstrate to the world that Sudan will not remain a silent stage for injustice and is resolutely striving to build a nation where human rights are respected, leaving no room for terrorist militias threatening the safety of its people and global security.

This step is not just a legal maneuver but also a powerful message: Sudan will not stand idle in the face of atrocities committed against its people. We are a nation that rejects oppression and is determined to effect change by designating these forces as a terrorist organization—a significant step in ending impunity and establishing justice as an irreversible reality.

“United for Designating the Rapid Support Forces as a Terrorist Organization” is more than just an initiative. It represents the will of the people and a resolute desire to build a secure and stable Sudan, governed by justice and equality.

Designating the RSF as a terrorist organization marks the beginning of the end of this dark and oppressive chapter in our history and ushers in a new era of peace, security, and stability.

We will not rest until justice is served. Together, we will achieve change.

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